Porcelain Veneers (EMAX)

sashok with teeth
Our services

Look natural with Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are an effective option to address the following concerns, among others: 

  • Deep tooth stains that don’t respond to whitening treatments
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Minor tooth crowding or crooked teeth
  • White spots caused by dental fluorosis
  • Tooth chips
  • Tooth fractures
  • Unevenly sized teeth
  • Gaps or uneven spacing between teeth
  • Worn-down teeth 

Teeth grinding or clenching may disqualify some patients from getting porcelain veneers. Porcelain material is resistant to stains and chips or cracks, but the pressure exerted by clenching or grinding the teeth can damage them. A custom NIGHTGUARD worn at night can help prevent bruxism (teeth grinding). Porcelain veneers require adequate tooth enamel because of the procedure details. A small amount of tooth preparation, or enamel reduction, is needed to accommodate the shell and provide a natural-looking result. 

Advanced dental equipments

What are the benefits of porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are the preferred option for many of our Beverly Hills patients. These thin shells can correct multiple tooth imperfections with a single treatment. Rather than go through teeth whitening, dental bonding and orthodontic treatments, you can enjoy a beautiful smile with porcelain veneers after just two appointments. Other benefits include: 

  • Long-term results that may last a decade or longer with proper care
  • Stain resistant
  • Mimic the natural sheen of your tooth enamel
  • Cover cracks, gaps and other tooth flaws
  • Look and feel like your natural teeth
  • Prevent further tooth damage and discoloration
  • Low-maintenance care
  • Minimal enamel removal required
  • Made with a biocompatible material that is less likely to irritate the gums and oral tissues

Improving your smile with porcelain veneers also leads to a boost in confidence for most people. You’re more likely to smile freely when you’re proud of how your teeth look, which could open opportunities in your social and work life. People with porcelain veneers typically take special care to follow oral hygiene recommendations, lowering the odds of gum disease and tooth damage.

Porcelain Venners

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