Root Canals

Our services

Root Canals

A root canal is one of the most common dental procedures performed to save your natural teeth and further prevent the need to replace missing teeth. 

Inside the center of every tooth there is an area called a “pulp” .  The pulp is a collection of blood vessels , nerves and tissue.  A root canal becomes necessary when this area becomes inflamed or infected due to deep decay, trauma to the tooth, or repeated procedures.  During this treatment the pulp is removed and the interior or the tooth is disinfected. Today’s advanced technology gives this treatment a high success rate! 

Root Canals

Some signs you may need a rood canal are:

  • swelling
  • pain
  • sensitivity
  • abscess, pimple on the gums
Porcelain Venners

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Dental Extractions

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Dental Exam & Cleaning

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